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Trivia om Alan Truscott

Författare Post
Bertil Strand [3919]
Thu 24 November 2005, 11:13
Registrerad medlem #3919
inlägg: 42
Undervisar om Truscott efter 1NT-öppning.
Eleverna tycker alltid att "trivia" är trevligt.
Jag har född i England 1925.
Finns mera - lever ? - nyligen omgift ? - fått stryk av svenska veteranlandslaget ?
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Stefan Zylberstein [84914]
Thu 24 November 2005, 11:58
Registrerad medlem #84914
inlägg: 723
Fru Truscott en av de kvinnliga legendarerna, är det inte hon som också är känd som Dorothy Hayden? såg uppgift att hon, förutom praktiker i yppersta världsklass, var även en första rangens teoretiker. Frågan är då vilka uppfinningar hon kom med? Splinterbud var ett exempel jag läste, men vad mera?

Katter bringar harmoni och glädje åt ett hem.
Många hemlösa katter söker hem!
Adoptera en. Kontakta gärna ett katthem -
även DU kan bli en vardagshjälte.

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Micke Melander [7164]
Thu 24 November 2005, 12:10

inlägg: 895
Alan Truscott blev 80 år gammal och avled i början av september. Här följer pressmeddelande som jag fick i samband med detta från IBPA.

Alan Truscott
16th April 1925 to 4th September 2005

Alan Truscott of Surrey and New York, who has died aged 80, was the world’s leading bridge columnist and the principal witness in Britain’s most celebrated scandal of cheating at cards.
British-born Truscott was bridge correspondent of the New York Times from 1964 until his recent illness, the longest period of service for any of the distinguished newspaper’s correspondents. In 1965 Truscott was the key witness for the prosecution when Britain’s leading bridge partnership of the day, Terence Reese and Boris Schapiro, were accused of cheating at the World Bridge Championships in Buenos Aires.
A member of the American team, Dorothy Hayden and her bridge partner B. J. Becker claimed they had observed odd finger placings of Reese and Schapiro when holding their cards, and when comparing, with Truscott, these with the actual cards had found a correspondence with the number of hearts in the player’s hand. Mrs Hayden subsequently became Truscott’s wife.
A brief onsite hearing of the World Bridge Federation found Reese and Schapiro guilty of cheating and banned them from world bridge.
However, when the matter was reported back to the British Bridge League it conducted a year-long investigation led by Sir John Foster QC. His finding was “not guilty” by the test of “beyond reasonable doubt”.
Earlier this year a publisher of Reese’s books claimed that some years later Reese had confessed to him that the allegations were true, but that he had only been conducting an experiment for a forthcoming book, and that the pair had agreed not to use the illicit information. Truscott claimed this justification was implausible.
Truscott was born on the 16th April 1925 in Brixton, and learned bridge at the age of 15 at Whitgift School in Croydon whilst the Battle of Britain was in progress. After a spell in the Royal Navy Truscott was already an accomplished bridge player when he arrived at Oxford University in 1947 and represented the university at chess and bridge.
At the age of 26 Truscott and the partner he had met at University, the late Robert D’Unienville, won the British Bridge Trials and represented Britain in the European Championships the following year with Reese and Schapiro in the team. Britain took the bronze medal. Later D’Unienville returned to his home in Mauritius and Truscott had to find a new partner.
In 1955 Truscott and a Dutch bridge writer Herman Filarski edited the first Daily Newspaper for the European Bridge Championships, a practice in being to this day. In 1958 Truscott took up bridge fulltime, writing his first bridge book, and becoming secretary of the British Bridge League. The team took silver at the Europeans losing on a split tie with Italy.
At the 1960 World Team Olympiad Truscott, partnering Tony Priday, the future bridge correspondent of the Sunday Telegraph, first met the American woman who was later to become his wife. He was also head-hunted by a leading American player, Richard Frey, to ghost-write his newspaper column, write for his magazine, and co-edit an edition of the Bridge Encyclopedia. At the time Truscott was organising the European Championships held in Torquay in 1961. He was in the British team for the event that won the title of European champions. Soon after, he moved to New York to work for Frey.
In 1964 Truscott became Bridge Editor of the New York Times. For forty years Truscott wrote a daily column, establishing him as the world’s leading bridge columnist. At world championships he would report a hand that, due to time zones, would often appear the same day in his newspaper.
In 1965 came the Buenos Aires affair with Truscott as the main witness against Reese and Schapiro. His book on the subject, The Great Bridge Scandal, was not published in Britain whilst Reese and Schapiro were alive, for fear of legal proceedings.
In 1970 Truscott separated from his British wife Gloria and they then divorced. She returned to England with their children. A year later he proposed to Dorothy Hayden at dawn in front of the Taj Mahal and she accepted. They married in 1972.
Truscott was the author of thirteen bridge books and Executive editor of the first three editions of the Encyclopedia of Bridge. He had a prodigious recall of humorous songs and ditties with which he would entertain his friends. He ran the New York Marathon at the age of 61. He leaves his widow, Dorothy, and three children by his first wife, one of whom, Philip, was a Liberal councillor before emigrating to the USA.

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Per Westling [1667]
Thu 24 November 2005, 12:14
Registrerad medlem #1667
inlägg: 524
Hej, Alan Truscott finns det mycket att säga... Förövrigt avled han i september i år.
Dödsruna från engelska bridgeförbundet
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Per Westling [1667]
Thu 24 November 2005, 12:29
Registrerad medlem #1667
inlägg: 524
Stefan Zylberstein[84914 skrev ...
]Fru Truscott en av de kvinnliga legendarerna, är det inte hon som också är känd som Dorothy Hayden? såg uppgift att hon, förutom praktiker i yppersta världsklass, var även en första rangens teoretiker. Frågan är då vilka uppfinningar hon kom med? Splinterbud var ett exempel jag läste, men vad mera?
Jodå, det är samma person. Har för mig att jag har läst en av hennes två bridgeböcker - helt ok.

En artikel om en förfining som hon kom med finns att läsa på följande ställe
. Intressant även för den som undrar över skillnaderna mellan "Smith peter" och "Oddball" - verkar under alla omständigheter som att Smith var först vad gäller den signalen.
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Petter Fryklund [1182]
Thu 24 November 2005, 15:35
Registrerad medlem #1182
inlägg: 109
Dorothys stora innovation på splinterområdet var enligt hennes egna ord i senaste BW att genom att bjuda singelton istf för som redan nån engelsman kommit på, renons, ökade man frekvensen med cirka 7 ggr.
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Micke Melander [7164]
Thu 24 November 2005, 15:47

inlägg: 895
Ligger hon bakom minisplinter och splimit?
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Bertil Strand [3919]
Thu 24 November 2005, 17:59
Registrerad medlem #3919
inlägg: 42
Tack för alla svar. Man får ofta snabba svar på SFB:s forum. Därför är det en effektivt metod för oss som sliter i lokalerna på kvällarna att komplettera våra kunskaper.
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Margareta Sjöberg [24704]
Fri 25 November 2005, 13:50
Registrerad medlem #24704
inlägg: 3
Alan Truscott skrev New York Times bridgespalt i mer än 40 år. Ny bridgeskribent för tidningen är Phillip Alder och spalten kan avnjutas
via nätet: » länk så kommer man till första sidan, varifrån
man via vänsterkolumnen kan klicka sig till rätt sida via games.

Om någon är intresserad av Andrew Robsons´ dagliga giv i the Times
nås den via: » länk där man också via vänsterkolumnen
klickar sig till rätt sida via games.

Åke Sjöberg
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